Firefox OS App Development course |

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Training Delivery Options | How you will be trained

  • Instructor-led Online

    Online trainer logo

    Best for people with limited time in the day

    No hassle, no wastage of time commuting

    Clear out all your doubts interactively

    Take classes from locations anywhere in the world

    People with moving jobs can take this class

  • Self Paced Online

    Self pace learning logo

    Great for those slow learners who master the subject after learning

    Allow you a whale of a time to practice

    Defer next topic till you have mastered previous one

    This is a great option if you find it difficult to find time

    No hassle of commute

    It's good if you are a Busy-bee

  • Regular Classroom

    Regular classroom training logo

    This is for you if you like learning with others

    If you want to the get the feel of things

    If you have the time to come and learn

    You would get to learn face to face

    Interact with other students

  • Corporate Training

    Corporate training logo

    For a firm wanting trained employees

    Corporate training is a good to retain employees

    Increases skill sets so that same employees work for variety of projects

    No new hiring required

    A great alternative to corporate jaunts

    The cost per employee is low

Overview | Why should you do this course

Firefox OS App Development course Logo

It has become a habit for us to launch newer & newer technology courses and one of them is Mozilla Firefox OS App Development course. FYI – Firefox OS is a brand new operating system for smartphones and tablet computers, just like Android or iOS. Firefox OS (project name: Boot to Gecko, also known as B2G) is a Linux-based open-source operating system, developed by Mozilla, a non-profit organization who are the makers of best known browser Firefox.

Mozilla is a global community of technologists, thinkers and developers working together to keep the Internet open, alive and accessible (Open web standards). It gave the world the first true rival to Microsoft Internet Explorer. Firefox is the second-most used web browser in the world today and because of it the way we surf the Internet has changed dramatically. Now their goal is to penetrate the growing market ‘the mobile operating system world'.

Firefox OS smartphones are the first built entirely to open Web standards, enabling every feature to be developed using HTML, CSS & JavaScript. Web apps can access every underlying capability of the device hardware, bypassing the typical hindrances of HTML5 on mobile to deliver substantial performance. The platform's flexibility allows Telecom Carriers to easily tailor the interface and develop localized services that match the unique needs of their customer base. This means OS App development is no more an arena of just developers or programmers, someone who knows basics of HTML should be able to master all the skills required to develop Firefox OS Apps.

Considering the potential, various mobile manufactures across the world like Sony, LG and ZTE has already begun the effort to deploy this OS on their devices and more than 17 key telecom operators spanning the globe have committed to this Open web device initiative: America Movil, China Unicom, Deutsche Telekom, Etisalat, Hutchison Three Group, KDDI, KT, MegaFon, Qtel, SingTel, Smart, Sprint, Telecom Italia Group, Telefonica, Telenor, TMN and VimpelCom to name a few. You can buy a Firefox OS enabled smartphone through Ebay India.

Considering the vast potential of this particular technology and market, Technnovation Labs launches a unique Mozilla OS App Development course which includes training from the basics of development to submitting the Application to the marketplace.


  • You must have written atleast 200 lines of JavaScipt
  • Someone who knows HTML/CSS & Basics of Web Designing
  • Know HTML5

Features of the courses offered

  • You'll learn how to code for Application development
  • Learn how to submit apps to the marketplace
  • Explanations of the basics, workarounds for common problems, best practices, and how-tos

Who all can learn

All aspiring web developers, designers, programmers should do this course. Designed on the lines of professionally developing HTML5 web apps, this course is a great value addition tool. The comprehensive classroom training gives all developers an edge over their peers.

Have an app idea in mind? Share & develop with us

Team work always benefits, if you have an Idea for app development, share with us & we will develop it together, it will be fun.

Course Syllabus | What we cover

1. Introduction

  1. Introduction
  2. What Is Firefox OS?
  3. Looking At The OS
  4. Why Another Mobile OS
  5. Firefox OS Architecture
  6. Infrastructure Layer
  7. Open Web Platform Interfaces
  8. Application Layer
  9. Web API
  10. Looking At Web API
  11. Firefox Marketplace

2. Hello World

  1. Introduction
  2. How Firefox OS Apps Are Built
  3. Hosted Apps
  4. Packaged Apps
  5. Gaia Building Blocks
  6. Looking At The Building Blocks
  7. The Simulator
  8. Installing The Simulator
  9. The Manifest File
  10. Creating The HTML
  11. Creating The Manifest
  12. Creaing The Icon
  13. Running Hello World

3. Building a Hosted App

  1. Introduction
  2. What We'll Be Building
  3. Breaking It Down
  4. Creating The Project
  5. Getting The Gaia Building Blocks
  6. Setting Up The Page
  7. Creating The Header
  8. Creating The Main UI
  9. Adding Protein
  10. Creating A Notification
  11. Quick Add
  12. Adding The Quick Add Menu
  13. Making Quick Add Work
  14. Serving The Manifest
  15. Creating The Manifest
  16. Configuring The Server
  17. Testing The App

4. Building A Packaged App

  1. Introduction
  2. What We'll Be Building
  3. Breaking It Down
  4. Breaking It Down
  5. Creating The Manifest
  6. First Test
  7. Setting Up HTML File
  8. Creating The Header
  9. Adding Search UI
  10. Adding Name Entry UI
  11. Finishing UI
  12. Web Activities
  13. Implementing Pick
  14. Saving A Contact
  15. Implementing Searching
  16. Testing Searching

5. Deploying Your App

  1. Introduction
  2. Deployment Options
  3. Self Hosted, Self Distributed
  4. Adding An Install Button
  5. Testing Install
  6. Packaged App Self Distributed
  7. Cleaning Up Gaia UI
  8. Moving JavaScript
  9. Creating The Zip
  10. Firefox Marketplace

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