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Overview | why should you do this course
As much as is the case offline so is it online. Well confused?? Here's the explanation - All businesses today attach importance to the online world for their reputation which is equal to the reputation they would want to have online. And with the internet becoming an indispensible part of all our lives, the focus of businesses is all here.
So this is why we have SEO training which today occupies rank 1 on the wish list of an aspiring techie. SEO offers innumerable challenges to techies in order that they boost the rankings of businesses on a search engine results page. And mind you this is no easy job. But we provide you the secret recipe for good SEO implementation.
It's darn simple – a full-fledged SEO training course with Technnovation. As the course progresses you will realise that SEO is more of an art rather than a lesson and that it also has the potential to give you a good career with a handsome salary.
Features of the courses offered
- Comprehensive course curriculum
- Training is imparted in a fun and exciting manner to make is student – friendly
- Lectures conducted by industry professionals who carry with themselves years of experience
- Sufficient reading material for self – study
- Practical experience to aid the theory knowledge
- Daily practice on the system for more than 4 hours
- Conducive environment for all round development of the students
- Grooming sessions like English speaking and personality development
Your Job Profile | this is as good as it gets
What will be your job profile after sucessfull completion of this course
Performing SEO is no where next to easy and attending this course, will make one an excellent performer in Search Engine Optimization tasks. The idea will be to generate the necessary SEO strategies for companies or brands he will serve. SEO is an integral and one of the highly demanding parts of the marketing industry, so the candidate can work with either with the marketing departments of the companies or with a marketing consultancy, helping companies to promote their brand. Tasks he will be able to perform
- Website restructuring
- Improving page rank
- Improving SERP (search engine result position)